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                Обзор обновлений Winamp 2.9x

Winamp 2.95:
* startup with hung winamp process in background fixed (opens new instance)
* CD ripping support in media library (with OGG Vorbis encoding support)
* Preliminary AAC playback support added to in_mp3.dll
* ryan fixed shuffle again
* minibrowser ctrl+l fix
* media library: lots of bugfixes
* media library: listener count in internet tv/radio
* media library: query playback mode preferences
* media library: skinnable list/treeview selection colors
* nsv: subtitle bugfixes
* nsv: more buffering options
* nsv: shoutcast metadata support
* nsv: better invalid bitstream handling
* nsv: better display options
* nsv: new ASYN aux chunk handling.
* nsv: support for new extended TOC with frame-accurate seeking
* video: overlay fixes on 556 and other unusual modes
* video: drag&drop URL to video window now works.
* video: subtitle fixes.
* video: support for alt+enter and alt+f4 to leave fullscreen
* cdda: bugfixes
* avs: evallib | and & operator fixes
* in_vorbis fixes/updated libvorbis to post-1.0 cvs
* in_midi fixes

Winamp 2.91:
* fixed an incorrect vis color
* fixed shuffle; now, when you start winamp w/shuffle on, it returns
you to the song you were at when you exited last time
* made winamp not crash if you close it while a file info dialog is open
* fixed jump dialogs when using language packs
* fixed tooltip in lightning bolt
* made video window on autoclose not stop if configured to do so
* made in_mp3 have options for adding tags from ml
* fixed a bug in in_wm
* library: made library refresh properly on add/compact/etc
* library: fixed a library win9x view issue
* library: fixed shift+enter in media library tree
* library: added "Explore item folder" in library's media view
* library: made internet radio/tv display msg when reload is blocked
* library: added "Physically delete file" in library's media view
* dshow: added config dialog (filetypes)
* dshow: added option to vertically flip WMV videos (for machines with old WMV
codec installed)
* dshow: added file info box
* dshow: fixed issues with widechars
* dshow: fixed bitrates displayed
* dshow: added 32 & 64-bit audio support
* nsv: fixed title updating (playlist flicker) bug
* nsv: made nsv info box show filename and basic info
* nsv: made nsv use less cpu on [p]rebuffering
* nsv: fixed mp3 decoder's eating of the end of nsv file
* nsv: added AAC decoding support
* nsv: fixed vis on audioless nsvs
* put AOD in all installers (opt-out always)

Winamp 2.9 beta 2 (small fixes since 2.9 beta, but useful nonetheless)
( this list should go away with 2.90, maybe, since it's all bugfixes since 2.9 beta)
- fixed ml_ plugin support
- changed video popup menu to remove Ctrl+ on 1 2 ` stuff
- fixed multi monitor support for video
- fixed some ml vfs bugs, made writeout nearly atomic, optimized.
- fixed ml import current playlist bug (needed a savequerytree())
- made in_nmp3 not use builtin EQ if used in DLL mode
- fixed end of file skipping bug on CD tracks
- made CD digital extraction off by default
- made video window sizes to remain when switching video modes
- fixed some video OSD stuff
- added mms:// and mmst:// and mmsu:// url style support to in_dshow
- added nsv prefs, streaming buffer size
- in_nsv includes nsvtag as well as media library setting ability.
- made winampmenu in embedwnd initialize submenus =)
- fixed crash in internet radio/tv on dblclick when refreshing
- updated in_vorbis to v1.31
- made in_vorbis support extended metadata setting/getting
- updated in_mod to v2.2.10 beta 29

Winamp 2.9 beta:

- added integrated full featured video support (NSV and DirectShow (AVI,ASf,MPEG,etc))
- added library (complete with media database, shoutcast listing, playlist editing,
CD listing, mass tag editting, plugin API for portable devices, and more!)
- updated Winamp's window docking code to be more robust/extensible
- made AVS dock use this new API
- updated PCM equalizer with code from 4Front Technologies/George Yohng. Quality is a lot better.
- updated equalizer default skin to show the true +12db/-12db range (the 20db was a veeery old typo)
- a ton of new WM_WA_IPC API calls.
- general purpose plugin window support
- extended metadata system for getting more than just title/length of items.
- lots of exposed features via IPC
- updated to PP's latest input and output plugins
- focus/Z order change on window close related bugfixes
- added track numbers and song lengths in HTML generated playlists
- removed all ATL code, shoved EXE size by 20kb :)
- added digital audio extraction in in_cdda.dll
(needs WNASPI32.DLL under Windows 9x/ME)
- added Alt+M shortcut for minimizing Winamp
- added Ctrl+(Keypad +)/Ctrl+(Keypad -) shortcuts in playlist editor for changing font size
- fixed stop after current menu item trash related bug
- added ultravox support for in_mp3
- made in_mp3 not display 'unknown X' for empty id3 tags
- fixed & error in tooltips in winamp and winampa's systray icons
- and more!
- new SDKs will be posted soon.

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